
Department of Mathematics & 统计科学
College of Science, Engineering, and Technology


数学与统计科学系为学生准备需要定量的工作, 分析, and critical mathematics and statistical skills. 我们准备我们的学生RESEARCH生学习和国际卓越的RESEARCH跨越广泛的纯数学, computational and 应用数学, 统计数据, 以及数学教育. 我们促进与高科技行业和政府机构的合作,目标是为我们的学生创造职业道路. We strive to showcase the relevance and pervasiveness of mathematics in the modern
economy through regular outreach activities.

Where Success in any Academic and 专业 Program Begins

Department of Mathematics and 统计科学 prepares students for jobs that require quantitative, 分析, and critical mathematics and statistical skills. 我们准备我们的学生RESEARCH生学习和国际卓越的RESEARCH跨越广泛的纯数学, computational and 应用数学, 统计数据, 以及数学教育. 我们促进与高科技行业和政府机构的合作,目标是为我们的学生创造职业道路. 我们努力通过定期的外展活动展示数学在现代经济中的相关性和普遍性.

Department of Mathematics and 统计科学 offers the Bachelor of Science Degree in Mathematics (BS), with concentrations in various areas of Pure and Applied Mathematics, 数学教育理学学士学位(BSED),可选择密西西比州代数/几何执照, and the Bachelor of Science Degree in Statistics (BS). Our graduates pursue advanced studies in mathematics or 统计数据, 在新兴高科技行业和联邦机构寻求数学家或统计学家的职业,或在中学教授数学.



  • To develop the quantitative skills of students who enjoy the enterprise of problem solving, 统计分析, data visualization and the reward of discovery.
  • 鼓励学生追求与他们的目标和才能相称的数学或统计方面的高级训练.
  • To illustrate the role of mathematics 和统计数据 in research, quantitative exploration of data, data analytics and visualization, and related areas of scientific endeavor.
  • 为商业工作准备有效的数学教师和有能力的数学家和统计学家, 政府, 行业, 和教学.
  • 为在数学或统计学方面有缺陷的学生开设数学或统计学课程.
  • 为非数学或统计专业的学生提供必要的课程, including those that elect to minor in mathematics or 统计数据.


Department of Mathematics and 统计科学 通过理学院提供计算数学和统计科学的博士学位, Engineering and Technology Ph.D. program in Computational Data Enabled Sciences and Engineering (CDSE).

该系还为在学术界寻求职业的学生提供攻读纯数学或应用数学硕士学位的课程, 政府, 行业, 或者商业部门, 和CDSE的硕士学位. 的 programs are designed for persons with adequate background in undergraduate 统计数据, 计算机科学, the computing technologies, and mathematics beyond the calculus sequence.

Department of Mathematics and 统计科学 is a member of the Mississippi Chapter of the 数学荣誉学会. Undergraduate and graduate students, and faculty have membership in the honor society. 社团成员参加各种活动,从组织该部门每月的本科生研讨会到参加区域年度会议并在会议上发表RESEARCH成果 Mathematics Association of America (MAA)和 American Mathematical Society (自动对盘及成交系统). 的 Department of Mathematics and 统计科学 is also an institutional member of the 自动对盘及成交系统. You can find all things exciting about mathematics on the websites of these mathematics organizations.

该部门还运行一个名为LISA-QED的数据可视化实验室,来自校园其他组织的成员可以在分析数据方面获得帮助. 我们的许多教师和RESEARCH生都积极参与一些数学和统计组织,如MAA, 自动对盘及成交系统, Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics (SIAM)和 American Statistical Association (ASA).

数学与统计科学系旨在为毕业生提供必要的数学和统计知识和技能,使他们能够找到其他学术领域和正常学术环境以外领域出现的数学或统计问题的解决方案,并利用这些知识解决社会挑战问题. 该计划旨在为国内和国际上的数学学生准备一系列的职业,包括学术和非学术就业.

最后, 数学与统计科学系在培养几代数学学位持有者方面有着悠久的历史. Click on the history link to learn more.



多年来,数学与统计科学系吸引了许多外部财政支持和竞争性赠款. It has four standing endowed scholarships for undergraduate students majoring in mathematics, 数学教育, 和统计数据. To apply for scholarships, you must log into the website at JSU奖学金 使用j#和NetID. Students who do not know their NetID must log in to P.A.W.S. 并选择“激活/重置NET ID密码”选项(密码最少为八个字符,其中一个大写字母和一个数字)。




To solve problems and comprehend natural and artificial phenomena, you will learn to collaborate with experts from various fields, such as the physical sciences, 工程, 和业务. 你将有机会参加教师指导的RESEARCH,作为一个本科数学学生在各种主题, such as the best ways for students to study mathematics or purely mathematical issues.


学习 BY

After completing the program, you will understand the basic biological principles, think logically and communicate clearly within the field and to other researchers, become conscious of social problems relevant to life sciences, prepare for careers in the life sciences, 教学, RESEARCH生学习, provide a strong pre-professional foundation for medicine, 牙科, 兽医, 药店, 验光, 物理治疗, 口腔卫生, 医疗技术, 护理, and medical records administration, and engage in basic and applied research that benefits the local and scientific community, 

“Challenging Minds, Changing Lives.”



职业生涯 机会

Biology majors have a plethora of career options after studying the molecular nature, 生理机制, 进化, and physical structure of life and living organisms:

会计主管 应付帐款文员 Bookkeeping, Accounting, or Auditing Clerk 教学助理
导师 精算师 软件工程师 数学家
数据分析师 风险分析师 高级软件工程师 高中教师
项目经理 应用程序开发PERSONNEL 首席技术官 生物统计学家
数据科学家 金融工程师 Operations RESEARCH Analyst 保险的保险人


Faculty RESEARCH Interests Lies in abstract mathematics, 应用数学, computational mathematics, 古典分析, 数据中心数学, computational data enabled science and 工程 (CDS&E), 数学教育, 数论, 算子理论, 动力系统, 近似理论, 功能分析, 拓扑结构, 和统计数据.

想了解更多? Click below to view our advancements.



数学与统计科学系设有四个计算机教学实验室, RESEARCH与学习. It also operates a Laboratory for Interdisciplinary Statistical Analysis, 数据和可视化的定量探索(LISA-QED)用于计算数据支持科学与工程(CDS)的RESEARCH&E).








Wolfram Mathematica








For more information, please contact us at (601) 979-2161.  We look forward to meeting with you and seeing how our program can help you achieve your goals.



 欧内斯特·E. Just Hall of Science, Rm # 225


(601) 979-2161